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Themed Shanty Big Sings, & other collaborations, events, links and news

Themed Shanty Big Sings

With Jim Lucas, Linn began co-hosting a monthly series of Single-Shanty Big Sings on zoom. We rebadged these as Themed Shanty Big Sings, which will continue to include Single Shanty Big Sings. Next up is the theme “Haul away Joe” (date tbc), on Zoom. We started this idea by sharing versions of Santy Anna and creating a first Big Sing for versions of Santy Anna on 21 April 2022, which was supported by the Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival in the run up to its annual festival 24-25 September 2022. The aim was to share as many versions as possible of the Santy Anna – Santy Anno – Santiana shanty/ related songs (such as Bay of Mexico and General Taylor).  The Youtube video is here:

Next up in this single-shanty series was Rio Grande 25 May, Youtube here , which was followed by Shenandoah 30 June – Youtube here, Sally/Shallow Brown 21 July – Youtube here, and Reuben Ranzo 25 August Our 6th Shanty BigSing was the finale of the online Virtual Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival 25 September, and themed on Rounding the Horn . The 7th Shanty Big Sing was Johnny come down to Hilo/ the Hilo “family” of shanties Thursday 19 January 2023, followed by No. 8 Hieland Laddie/ Donkey Riding February 16 2023 (Youtube pending), No.9 Blow the Man down 23 March 2023 (Youtube pending), No.10 Rolling Home (Youtube pending),  No 11 “Fire down below” 29 June 2023 (Youtube pending), No 12 “Lowlands” 19 September 2023 (Youtube pending), No.13 “New York Girls (aka Can’t You Dance the Polka)” 7 November 2023 (Youtube pending), No. 14 on the theme “California” 13 February 2024 (Youtube pending), and No. 15 on the theme “Blow Boys Blow/ Congo River” Tuesday 30 April (Youtube pending).

Next up will be No. 16 on the theme “Haul away Joe” (date tbc).  If you have a shanty/chantey which features as a/the key theme “Has away Joe” and would like to sing or join to listen, please contact Linn in advance by email at linnphipps @ gmail dot com, to be sent the zoom link. Shanties in other languages, instrumental accompaniment, duplicate versions – and listeners – all very welcome. And here is our Themed Shanty Big Sings website – more will be added! And our new Youtube channel

Further themes (dates tbc):

World Whale Day Sunday 18 February 2024 – sing 8pm UK/ Ireland Time (3pm ET, noon PT)

With Johnson Girls Deirdre Murtha and Bonnie Milner, Linn co-hosted a special sing to mark World Whale Day in 2023. Youtube video here .  We held a second annual WWD sing on 18 February 2024 (Youtube pending), with co-hosts Linn, Bonnie Milner and Heather Preston. 

The Youtube video of the World Whale Day sing is here . 

Seachdain na Gàidhlig – World Gaelic Week 19-25 February 2024

Linn had three events featured in the February 2023 Programme – a live demonstration by our Edinburgh- based Luadh le mire; and two zoom events, Gaelic song ceilidh Srùbag; and Siansadh, Linn’s monthly Learn a Gaelic Song workshop.  The 2023 Programme was here:

A similar three events will be taking place this year February 2024: :

  • Friday 23 February: Live Luadh Demonstration, Edinburgh University
  • Friday 23 February: Srùbag Zoom ceilidh with special Guest Margaret Bennett
  • Saturday 24 February: Siansadh, monthly Learn a Gaelic Song Zoom workshop

It was the brainchild of Fergus Reoch, conductor of Còisir Lunnainn, to record Youtube videos teaching Gaelic songs into languages other than English and you can find Linn’s 2023 contributions here:

Chuir iad mise – song teaching video in Spanish

Chuir iad mise – song teaching video in Hebrew

Soraidh leibh – song teaching video in French

Jean Armour Day 25 February 2024

With Pauline Vallance, Linn developed a “menu” of elements for a zoom event to celebrate the life of Jean Armour, wife of Robert Burns (1765-1834) on her birthday 25 February, in 2023. This event featured speeches, songs, tunes, toasts and recipes. The video of the event is here:

We are planning a similar event in 2024, details to follow.

Ewart Alan Mackintosh Day 4 March 2024

Details to follow. In 2023 Linn initiated a special zoom commemoration on the 130th birthday of WW1 poet Ewart Alan Mackintosh, killed at Cambrai (along with Linn’s great-uncle). The Youtube video of the event is here:

Farewell and Goodnight Songs workshops in Irish and in Scottish Gaelic

We held two very successful special workshops to learn Farewell and Goodnight Songs in Irish and in Scottish Gaelic as an extension of our Srùbag Cèilidhs. 24 October 2022, Sé mo laoch, mo ghile mear with Máire Ní Chéileachair and Máire Ní Laoire, and Soraidh leibh with Linn Phipps and Marcas Mac an Tuairneir. And a second similar workshop 2 December, comprising two songs: John McGee and Adam Dahmer taught Irish and Scottish Gaelic versions of The Parting Glass.  Words and translations provided, suitable for those without familiarity with the languages. For more information, in case we run any more! please email Linn for the Zoom link – please go to Contact Form.

My Youtube channel

My Youtube channel is here, featuring songs in Gaelic and English. Songs include The Moonshiner and “Amazon” with Australia song author Bruce Watson

Leanabh an Àigh with pianist Denis Franklin

Recently I collaborated with pianist Denis Franklin to create a Youtube version of Gaelic carol, Leanabh an Àigh by Mary M MacDonald

Sillertides with my co-sing partner Doug Huggins

Songs as “Sillertides” with my co-sing partner Doug Huggins in Colorado are on my website here and on our Youtube channel at . (Yes we do perform together live on zoom every week across 5000 miles of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as at virtual Zoom ceilidhs and Folk Festivals). Our debut “Sillertides” CD “Silk and Leather” (Conversation Songs from the Folk Tradition) is on bandcamp here – my 5th CD in the pandemic period! Our Sillertides CD launch concert in October 2021, hosted by Lynn Noel of The Mermaid’s Tavern and Crosscurrents Music, Boston Massachusetts, is on Youtube at

In 2022, the Sillertides transatlantic duo (Linn and Doug) collaborated on a special project with an old friend, artist Lionel Coates.  Lionel had a major exhibition at Clare Museum running 14 March – 14 April 2022, and featuring paintings of Ireland with three distinct themes of Famine, Fields and Fishing.   The Sillertides matched Lionel’s wonderful paintings with songs reflecting the theme and the scene portrayed.   All twenty songs recorded for this project are on our Sillertides Youtube channel at

We have since recorded lots of new songs for our Youtube channel! Please see our Sillertides Blog Post page and please subscribe, it’s free!

Salute to Rona Lightfoot project

Salute to Rona Lightfoot CDs are on this part of my website: . Professor Joshua Dickson created the notes on the piping tunes/ pibrochs and they can be downloaded on the Salute page.

World War One songs

My video collaboration with Australian singer-songwriter Adrian Newington, Tha mi duilich, cianail, duilich is on Youtube here: .  It is a First World War song by Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna. Sung by me, with piping by Ashley MacDonald, contemporary images, and produced by Adrian,  With thanks for the kind support of CEUT (Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath) and Professor Ronald Black. Other collaborations added in the Collaborations section of my Music page – click here to listen!

For Armistice Day 2022, I recorded John McCrae’s poem “In Flanders Fields” to the tune of “The King’s Navy” by Tony Phillips, and with his kind permission, here

Gaelic collaborations

Tàladh Chrìosda BigSing world premiere of all 29 verses as sung at Camp Harmony 30 December 2021 and recorded soon – now on Youtube at

Linn’s contribution to Silent Night – Ciùin an Oidhch’ – is on Youtube here:

Information on other Gaelic / Celtic events on both sides of the Atlantic can be found here in this excellent source and please subscribe to the relevant newsletters: